This is the most kick-ass house you'll ever find for $175/mo. I lived here for about a year or so. My friend lived here before me for a while and when he left the island he asked if I wanted to take it over. Although I loved the Teak house, I couldn't resist living on the beach. The ocean used to come nearly to the door at high-tide. It used to be a restuarant which they split in to two apartments, so the entire front was glass. This also meant I had a neighbor, and the wall they built was from thin bamboo. You could hear other people even if they were whispering. I knew the most intimate details of my neighbors and they knew mine. This house used to have a huge deck out front, but it collapsed a week before I was set to move in. To make matters worse, I got in a bad motorcycle accident just days before I was supposed to move, so I needed to have people help me move and I could only watch. Furthermore, the crutches didnt go so well in the sand.

Around the time of the accident I met Fanette and spent a lot of time at her bungalow pictured here. There was no sand, and no listening neighbors (made her perfer to stay at her place) and the bathroom was easier to use with crutches as opposed to the beach house where I had 3 slippery stairs to go down to get to my bathroom.