These are phots before it was modified for the trip, when I still used it as a daily driver.
Update 4/3/00
Basically, this is one of those vehicles that I've always liked due to one unique feature. The roof comes off. Theres something like 22 bolts that have to be taken out, and then you and a friend can lift it off. When you put it back, you only need to really put back in 4 bolts to hld it on. A convertable 4x4 SUV - what a great idea. I liked the truck even more once I got to college and one of my fraternity brothers had one. We took the roof off it a few times, the most memorable of which was in Panama City when we drove around with 2 Kegs in the back asking people if they were interested in going to a party. :-) This truck was owned by a friend of mine who I've actually known since I was about 7 years old. Thats a weird story. Anyway, about a year ago, we went skiing, and I told him that if he ever decided to sell that truck, to let me know. As luck would have it, as soon as I started looking for 4x4s, he called me up and said he was ready to sell it. I only have a few mods planned for it. For starters, it has the original steel wheels, which I'm going to upgrade to mags, then put in an alarm and a stereo (the alarm being for the stereo, not the 12 year old truck ;-). Then a new rear bumper, some nerf bars and bumper bars, and when the summer comes I'm going to get the vinyl top to replace the hard-top back, and maybe put in new carpet, which does wonders for an interior. Stay tuned.
Update 3/24/00 Since I've bought the truck, the only things I've done to it are replace a broken windshield washer pump, replace a broken wiper arm, and replace a gas cap. I bought a new bumper for the back, but need to make some modifications to get it to fit. Heres some shots of it today, as this is the first time the top has come off since I've owned it. One other interesting thing about this truck is that I sold it to my dad, and then missed it so much, I bought it back. I like this truck so much better than my 1992 4runner. The 92' is a great truck, but its more of a newer SUV type truck. THe 88 is just a good ol bare bones truck that you can beat around and it will just keep coming back for more. I'd like to take a journey of epic proportions someday, and do it in one of these. Preferably an 84 or 85 which had the solid front axle and carburated motors. |