Early years
OK, this one doesn't really count. I was 4 years old, and my mom still got to decide how I'd wear my hair.
I still didnt have much of a sense of style here, but I started this kick where I wanted to grow it long. That didnt last.
I ended up moving to Michigan, where everyone had these "feathered" haircuts. Check the collar out.
That was a little too plain, so I ended up shaving some MC Hammer-esque lines in to the sides, to spruce it up. From here on, things got interesting.
The mullet comes of age. I have to defend myself by stating that it is clearly obvious this is more hip than the redneck mullet.
I ended up shaving the sides one summer in a half-hearted mohawk attempt.
Finally, the cut grew into what I wanted, the Duran Duran cut. Totally 80's.
For reference: Duran Duran -->
Then I cut the top shorter and grew out the bangs.
Then came the mohawk mom said I could get 7 years earlier. Check out the Taco Bell uniform.
I grew up, went to college, and cut it all off.
Then started to grow it back out. I had this cut on and off for years.
Then I decided I eventually wanted to grow it real long, and this was that awkward in-between stage.
By this time, it had grown to the length I liked it.....
.....but most of the time I wore it up in a ponytail.
I wanted to go real long, but this is as long as it went, no matter what I tried.
I knew the long hair was on its way out, so I decided to something crazy with it while I had the chance. I only ever wore it like this about 3 times - too much hassle.
I cut it back to the "flip" surfer style for a job interview.
I got the job, then cut the hair real short and bleached it.
I let it grow in, and found that I liked the "blonde tips" look better, and ended up just getting the tips re-bleached for about a year.
Then I bleached it again, this time in white, not blonde.
Again, I let it grow to the half/half look.
I finally let it grow out, and tried pathetically to grow a goatee.
For 3 years I wore it mostly conservative while working in my office. Then when I quit work and went to Burningman, I shaved another mohawk.
I had to cut the mohawk off the very next month to appear in a TV show. I had a pathetic half-mohawk-combover. Then I tried growing it long again with the intention of having shoulder-lenght dreadlocks.